
heywoodlh thoughts

Switching (Back) to Pass as My Password Manager

This is a post that is a bit more opinionated that my general how-to stuff. Feel free to disagree with my ideas or opinions, I don’t care.

Why do I want to switch password managers? #

Bitwarden: #

I have been using Bitwarden as my daily-driver password manager for the past 4-ish years. I think it’s a great application and I don’t have many complaints with it. It’s open source, is extremely polished and has made sharing passwords with my friends and family a breeze. Plus, Bitwarden gives you the option to officially self-host or go with a totally compatible, unofficial rewrite like vaultwarden. I’ve self hosted the official version and also used vaultwarden (back when it was called bitwarden_rs) and it was nice to be in control of where my data was.

1Password: #

I also use 1Password for work. 1Password is closed source and I will be honest that really annoys me (I’m definitely being petty but I can’t shake it). On top of that there is no free version – just a paid trial. Especially when compared to Bitwarden’s free version that is very unattractive for a user like me. With Bitwarden I get a password manager that is open source and has a free tier that has most of the functionality. However, 1Password is a very reliable product and is deserving of the reputation it has gained as one of the best password managers out there. Just for a user like me, it’s not the best fit. Also, I will readily admit I’m definitely living a double-standard by complaining about 1Password not being open source but choosing to rely so much on Github despite the server-side codebase not being open source.

The one function I need: #

There is one function that 1Password has that I absolutely love that Bitwarden hasn’t implemented yet. The ability to call a mini instance of 1Password with a keyboard shortcut that overlays whatever application I have open is incredibly useful as I can easily call upon 1Password while I am in any application. I have grown especially reliant on using a keyboard shortcut when I have my terminal emulator open and am SSH-ed into a server and need to elevate privileges using a password I have stored in my password manager.

On Linux, I have used bitwarden-rofi and it works pretty close to perfect. On MacOS, I forked bitwarden-rofi and tried to replicate most of the same functionality. But for some reason my fork on MacOS is way slower and I haven’t had the willpower to figure it out and have grown increasingly resentful that Bitwarden hasn’t implemented something comparable to 1Password’s keyboard shortcut. There is an open feature request that is two years old that adds this functionality – yet Bitwarden still has not implemented it.

Why I am using pass: #

Pass is by far the simplest password manager I’ve ever used. It’s a command line application with an incredibly easy to use syntax. The author of pass is Jason A. Donenfeld, the author of Wireguard – the simplest and fastest VPN solution I’ve used. I like Jason’s tools a lot.

As an added bonus, pass uses gpg to manage the encryption and decryption of each entry and I’m a big fan of GPG.

Before switching to Bitwarden I used pass as my daily-driver password manager for about a year and never really had any complaints. I stopped using pass in favor of Bitwarden simply because at the time there was no iOS app and I switched to an iPhone away from Android. A few months ago I noticed that there is now a very polished community-made iOS app for pass and have been itching to switch back.

And with pass being a command line application first (not an afterthought like Bitwarden’s CLI or 1Password’s far clunkier CLI) it is as extensible as I want it to be with additional wrappers. I liked Bitwarden initially because of the priority for the CLI but I’m not a huge fan of using the slow Node JS-based CLI just for a simple feature that should be baked into the desktop application.

Pass strikes the perfect balance for me at being simple, extensible and now available for me on mobile.

Setting up pass: #

GPG key: #

You will need to setup a GPG key to use with pass. You can generate a new one with the following command:

gpg --full-generate-key

After pass is installed on your machine, you can use the following command to initialize your password-store with the newly created GPG key:

pass init email@domain.com

If you want to use the same password-store on other systems you will have to export your newly created GPG key to your other systems. Export the GPG private and public key with the following commands:

gpg --output ~/Downloads/public_key.gpg --armor --export email@domain.com

gpg --output ~/Downloads/private_key.pgp --armor --export-secret-key email@domain.com

On another machine that you need to import the key you can import the keys:

gpg --import public_key.gpg

gpg --import private_key.gpg

You will want to be careful with the private key as a malicious actor could decrypt your password store if they had the passphrase (you had better set a strong passphrase on your private key, idiot).

Check out my GPG cheatsheet for more commands to manage your GPG key.

Basic password management: #

Here are some example commands that should be pretty self explanatory in regard to what they do, but I’ll document each one with comments (and you could totally have a different organization to your password store than my own):

## Create a new entry for example.com for heywoodlh user (re-run this command to overwrite the entry):
pass insert example.com/heywoodlh

## Print the password to the terminal:
pass example.com/heywoodlh

## Retrieve the password and pipe it to the clipboard on MacOS:
pass example.com/heywoodlh | pbcopy

## Retrieve the password and pipe it to the clipboard on Linux:
pass example.com/heywoodlh | xclip -selection clipboard

## To create or edit a multi-line entry (I like using the `edit` subcommand for notes):
pass edit example.com/multiline

## Delete an entry:
pass rm example.com/heywoodlh

## Rename an entry:
pass mv example.com/multiline example.org/multi-line

## Search for an entry:
pass search example.org

## Search the contents of your entires for a string:
pass grep string

## Check out the man page, there are some great examples:
man pass

Syncing between devices: #

I use a remote git repository on my own server to sync my password-store repository between devices. Setup the remote repository over SSH with the following command:

ssh user@remote-host "git init --bare /path/to/password-store"

Assuming the remote repository has been setup and is accessible via SSH, you can use the following commands to configure the remote repository for your password-store:

## Set up the local git repo to connect to the remote repo
pass git init
pass git remote add origin ssh://user@remote-host:/path/to/password-store

## Push your changes to the remote repository
pass git push -u --all

## Pull changes that were made to the repository to your device
pass git pull 

Using TOTP codes with pass: #

A nice pass extension exists for creating and fetching totp entries. You can refer to the Installation section in the Readme instructions per package manager or install it from source:

git clone https://github.com/tadfisher/pass-otp
cd pass-otp
sudo make install

Then to enable the extension you need to set some variables in your shell. I do it with BASH by placing the following in my ~/.bash_profile:

if [[ -d /usr/local/lib/password-store/extensions ]]
        export PASSWORD_STORE_EXTENSIONS_DIR=/usr/local/lib/password-store/extensions/

Once the extension is available you can use the otp plugin just like the original command to manage TOTP entries using the otp subcommand:

## Create a new TOTP entry
pass otp insert example.org/totp

What’s kind of annoying about this is that you have to use a crazy otpauth URI: to set it up. I would recommend that you use the -e flag so that way you can see the output when you add the URI, like so (replacing the X’s with the TOTP key):

pass otp insert -e example.org/totp
Enter otpauth:// URI for example.org/totp: otp_uri="otpauth://totp/example.org?secret=XXXXXXXXXXXX&issuer=totp-secret"

I use a BASH function to make this easy for me.

You can use the following command to get more usage instructions on how to use pass otp:

pass otp --help
Written on May 26, 2021

linux macos bash automation password-manager pass bitwarden 1password